Holiday Compensation Claims Blog

It’s summer time and for many of us, it’s coming close to our holiday abroad that we’ve been looking forward to all year. Although a large percentage of individuals who venture abroad will go unscathed, a small number of holiday makers will get injured in an accident that they weren’t to blame for. Although you can’t predict or prevent an accident that isn’t your fault, there are a few extra precautions you can take to avoid injury and illness so you can enjoy your time away.

Before you travel to a different country, check the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) website for travel safety warnings and information on local laws and customs. It’s always a good idea to find out as much as possible about the availability of medical care in the area.

If you are planning to drive when you are abroad, make sure you are aware of any driving differences in driving laws such as speed limits, traffic regulations and vehicle requirements. Remain vigilant when driving abroad, avoid consuming any alcohol and avoid driving when you are tired. If you are hiring a car, make sure all necessary checks are made before to ensure you are only driving a vehicle that is road worthy.

Unfortunately, food positioning is one of the most common illnesses to affect people who are on holiday. Whether you have caught food poisoning from a hotel, restaurant or café while abroad, you could make a holiday compensation claim. Although you can’t predict when a restaurant might serve bad food, you can avoid places which show obvious signs of uncleanliness and poor hygiene. Take extra precautions when ordering dairy products as these have a higher risk of causing illnesses.

Another common occasion for injuries is around the pool. Although you won’t be at fault, be extra careful when members of staff are cleaning the inside and outside areas of pools. They can often leave wet areas that can become very slippy and these aren’t always made obvious by signs. Be careful to avoid running around pool areas in case any equipment is left out and try not to walk around the pool area in the evening when lighting can be limited.

It can be hard to know what to do when you’re abroad and you are involved in any of these accidents. Contact Capital Lawyers today and our team of professional and experienced personal injury lawyers will start your no win no fee holiday compensation claim today.

Posted By:
Aqeel Rehman
Posted On: 20 Jul 2017